Another coloring page for all and any coloring artists to download. Enjoy 😊
Monday, February 24, 2025
Another free coloring page- Lady With Flowers
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Free coloring page: Ysonde sitting outside the principal's office. It's not a good day for her.
In the opening scene of Bouquets and Motorcycles, Ysonde is patiently, albeit nervously, waiting for the principal and Grand-père. She's certain that this time she's crossed the line and her grandparents will no longer love her.
Here's a free coloring page depicting the scene.
You can read about Ysonde's early years in Bouquets and Motorcycles, the prequel to Orchids for Roses.
If you are enjoying the coloring pages, make sure to check out Teddy Bear Picnic adult coloring book for all ages. $12.99 USD.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Ever wonder what happens at a Teddy Bear Picnic?
Discover for yourself in 52 large, bold coloring pages.
Teddy Bear Picnic coloring book for all ages Available Now
Character based on a real-life tragedy
Okay, so my latest title was just released today: Bouquets and Motorcycles; the prequel to Orchids For Roses (Amazon).
It's loosely based on the adolescent life of a little girl who had been adopted in the early 1990s. A young Canadian boy from a military home had been starved to death under the noses of the people in the community. Witnesses say he was often seen playing alone on the playground. That was a heartbreaking tragedy. However, not much was mentioned about his younger sister who had also suffered at the hands of her and her brother's parents.
She was rescued from the situation after her brother's death and adopted by a loving couple who were horrified by the state of her little body. She'd been so malnourished; her brittle hair snapped like twigs and her nails so clear they were see-through. I can only hope she recovered and flourished from that ordeal. Within months, she subsequently vanished from the public eye.
However, I never forgot about her or her brother, and from that sad situation, Ysonde Gaudreau was born.
Introduced in ORCHIDS FOR ROSES, Ysonde Gaudreau's early years are revealed in BOUQUETS AND MOTORCYCLES. It tells how she became ward to her grandparents and how they loved the wildness out of her, until Ysonde's terrorist mother decides she wants sole custody of her daughter again. Even if it means destroying her own family.
Eight-year-old Ysonde Gaudreau doesn't remember anything before she lived with her grandparents and Cousin Bernard. But the haunting nightmare that plague her nights hint at the abuse and neglect she'd suffered while her mother rampaged through Québec.
While expelled from school for fighting with her school nemesis, Ysonde discovers the truth behind those forgotten years and the horrifying fact her mother wants custody of her again. No matter who or what she has to destroy to achieve her goals. Bouquets and Motorcycles available as an eBook now on Amazon.